Showing posts with label Assets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assets. Show all posts

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Unlocking Secrets Of Rich: ONE Thing That RICH People Buy That Poor and ...

This intriguing narrative text video is over 700,000 views and counting on YOUTUBE, and it's not at all what you think... Keep an open mind, you are about to be very surprised...your life won't be same again!

It’s so simple but so important that when I finally understood it, it changed my life forever. 

I'm going to open your eyes and show you exactly what I mean, and you’ll see why the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class are getting squeezed out.

The wealthy buy ASSETS. These assets pay them money, which they use to buy MORE assets which makes them MORE money. The ASSETS make them money instead of their TIME.
  • The poor by STUFF
  • The middle class buy LIABILITIES 
  • The wealthy buy ASSETS
Preferably businesses that PAY YOU money then take that money and buy another asset that produces more money.
Republished for Awareness, Information and Knowledge!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

‘१०/१२ प्रतिशत बजार घट्दा आकाश पाताल नै खसेजस्तो गर्नु हुँदैन’ ।

धेरै मान्छेहरु के सोच्छन भने आज पैसा हाल्यो भने भोलि पैसा फलिहाल्छ । तर त्यो हैन किनकि यसको नाम नै पुँजी बजार हो पुँजी बनाउन त समय लाग्छ नि । तर निराश भइहाल्नु पर्ने स्थिति आएको छैन ।

इन्भेष्टर्स फोरम जुन रुपमा अगाडी बढ्नु पर्ने हो, त्यो अनुसार नभएको आरोप लाग्ने गरेको छ । यो फोरम व्यक्तिगत रुपमा अगाडी बढ्न मात्र प्रयोग भयो भन्ने पनि छन्, के भन्नु हुन्छ ?

डा. आत्मराम घिमिरे, अध्यक्ष, इन्भेष्टर्स फोरम
Source: aarthiknews

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

These 3 Tips from the Rich Can Help You Build Wealth

A back-to-basics strategy is your best shot at retirement security.
For its recent Insights on Wealth and Worth report, U.S. Trust asked 684 high-net-worth individuals with at least $3 million in investable assets how they built their wealth and what behaviors they attribute most to their financial success. I’ve boiled down their responses to three practical tips that even regular Joes can use to enhance their financial security:

1. Focus on building wealth slowly, not getting rich quick. Although many people think of the wealthy as trust-fund babies raised in privileged backgrounds, 58% of the wealthy individuals surveyed said they came from a middle-class background, and 19% grew up poor.

Source: Money

Monday, October 3, 2016

Lesson 3: What is a Balance Sheet and Margin of Safety

Preston Pysh is the #1 selling Amazon author of two books on Warren Buffett.

In lesson 3, explore the importance of a Balance Sheet and learn current assets and liabilities as income streams and obligations, respectively; a company will receive or pay during the next 12 months. Also learn the equity of a business as equal to the total assets minus the total liabilities. After determining a company's equity, you can use that important number to determine the margin of safety that's associated with buying a business.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

भाग्यले साथ दिएर अर्बपति बनेका उपेन्द्र महतो ।

उपेन्द्र महतो, पूर्व एनआएन अध्यक्ष उनी नेपालकै सबैभन्दा धनी मध्येका एक हुन् । जसोतसो एक हजार डलर जम्मा पारेर सुरु गरेको उनको व्यापारले अहिले आधा विश्व ढाक्ने क्रममा छ । परिवारका साथ रसियामा बस्दै आएका उनले रसिया र नेपालमा अथाहा सम्पत्ति लगानी गरेका छन् ।

सिराहा जिल्लाको एउटा सामान्य गाउँ कर्जनहामा पिता श्री रामआशिष महतो तथा माता स्वर्गीय श्रीमती फूलकुमारी महतोको सन्तानको रुपमा सन १९६०मा उनको जन्म भएको थियो । साधारण किसान परिवारमा जन्मेका उनले त्यहीँ विद्यालयस्तरको शिक्षा पूरा गरेका थिए ।

त्यसपछि ललितपुर स्थित पुल्चोक इन्जिनियरिङ क्याम्पसमा सिभिल इन्जिनियरिङ पढेका थिए । पास गरेपछि एक वर्ष सुनसरी मोरङ सिँचाइ आयोजनामा ओभरसियरको काम गरेका उपेन्द्रले काम गर्दागर्दै तत्कालीन सोभियत संघमा पढ्नका लागि छात्रवृत्ति पाएर रुस पुगेका थिए, जहाँ उनले जलविद्युत्मा एमई र पछि पिएचडी गरे ।

Source: arthatantra
