Showing posts with label Rich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rich. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Know 3 Ways How You Can Lose All of Your Money in the Stock Market!

No one invests in the stock market to lose money. Yet it often seems like the people who lose their shirts outnumber those who strike it rich. While there's no guaranteed way to prevent losing money in the market, recognizing these three common blunders can save your portfolio from a lot of pain.

Fear and greed are said to be the two emotions that drive most investing decisions, and following either of them can lead you to lose all of your money. While it's not easy to be devoid of all emotion when putting your money in the stock market, reining them in can help keep you from losing your shirt.

With that in mind, here are three common mistakes many investors make, both those new to investing as well as some old salts who have been through a few market cycles. Although there's no guarantee you won't suffer losses on a stock, recognizing these forced emotional errors can help you minimize the pain your portfolio experiences.

1. Day-trading (or even frequent trading)
Jumping in and out of stocks trying to time entry and exit points is a sure-fire way to lose your money, which is why you'll find there are few if any day-traders who have a long-term record of success.

There is a certain allure to the "easy money" that comes from buying and selling stocks as they twitch higher and lower, but in reality, it's a (small-f) fool's errand. It's hard enough to figure out what a stock will do five or 10 years down the road, let alone how it's going to react tomorrow or 15 minutes from now -- or three seconds from now! Yet day-traders are flitting from one position to the next, racking up transactional costs and hoping each trade wins.

It's just not easy to successfully make winning bets like that time after time. Yet beyond day-trading, even moving in and out of positions over days or weeks isn't any easier. It gives the impression that you know the precise time to buy in or sell out, but actually, you almost always miss the top or bottom, and a stock runs away from you.

There's a reason the most successful investors -- Buffett, Lynch, Klarman, and more -- are long-term buy-and-hold types. It doesn't mean they never sell, it's just that the times they do are few and far between. You'd be better off emulating their strategies than trying to time a stock.

2. Playing penny stocks
Along with buy-and-hold, the investing legends don't invest in penny stocks, and the reason is simple: It's because they are losing propositions. While here and there you may be able to find one company that makes good on its promise, the vast majority of times, you're going to wind up on the losing side of the coin toss.

There are a few reasons for this. Penny stocks are so tiny, they tend to be very thinly traded, which makes them ripe for manipulation. They also tend to be built on "ideas," but have few ways of achieving them. They tout they're turning themselves into the next Microsoft or Wal-Mart, but often, their promoters are just seizing on the latest hot idea -- lithium batteries, solar power, rare earth minerals, gold mining, etc. -- and they're trying to churn up interest in the stock to get the price to jump, so they can bail out and reap a windfall while you're left holding essentially worthless paper.

Sure, controlling thousands of shares for a relatively paltry investment is exciting, and if they only run up a few nickels in value, you've got a terrific score. Unfortunately, few penny stocks do that without being some pump-and-dump scheme. Ultimately, this isn't investing, but gambling, and the odds of winning are worse than going to a casino.

3. Using margin
Leveraging an investment by taking on debt in a bid to amplify a stock's return can be a powerful tool in the right hands, but like credit card debt that can quickly mire a person in a lifetime of servitude to paying it off, using margin is generally a losing bet.

It's not that margin is a complicated or sophisticated tool. It's actually very easy. Too easy, in fact. You're taking a loan out on the value of your portfolio and using the proceeds to buy stock. Yet because it is so easy to misuse, it should only be employed sparingly, if at all.

The problem is, in a rising market like the one we're currently enjoying, it's easy to think you're an investing genius, and all your picks will do well. Tapping into margin to enhance your returns is only good until the next nasty downturn, and then buying stocks on margin can become quite painful.

All it takes is just one stock you've margined to the max to drop in value -- and it doesn't even have to fall all that far -- and you can be faced with the dreaded margin call: Either put more money into your account immediately, or face having your portfolio sold off to make up the difference.

Debt can be good. A mortgage, for example, can be an appropriate use of debt. But taking out a second mortgage and using the funds to go gamble in Las Vegas would be a misuse, and that is essentially what buying stocks on margin is. Picking good stocks with good businesses that are trading at reasonable valuations, and then holding them through thick and thin, will usually provide you with superior returns so you don't need to finance your portfolio with dangerous debt.

When investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, the Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.

David and Tom just revealed what they believe are the ten best stocks for investors to buy right now...and Wal-Mart wasn't one of them! That's right -- they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.

Source: MSN/Money -

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Unlocking Secrets Of Rich: ONE Thing That RICH People Buy That Poor and ...

This intriguing narrative text video is over 700,000 views and counting on YOUTUBE, and it's not at all what you think... Keep an open mind, you are about to be very surprised...your life won't be same again!

It’s so simple but so important that when I finally understood it, it changed my life forever. 

I'm going to open your eyes and show you exactly what I mean, and you’ll see why the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class are getting squeezed out.

The wealthy buy ASSETS. These assets pay them money, which they use to buy MORE assets which makes them MORE money. The ASSETS make them money instead of their TIME.
  • The poor by STUFF
  • The middle class buy LIABILITIES 
  • The wealthy buy ASSETS
Preferably businesses that PAY YOU money then take that money and buy another asset that produces more money.
Republished for Awareness, Information and Knowledge!

Monday, March 27, 2017

DAULAT - 2015 | Award Winning Short Film

As the word suggests “DAULAT”, the film is contradicting to the word’s meaning. This award winning short clip leaves a strong message on the one who is watching. There are two perceptions portrayed; one negative impression and one with positive. Personally, how do you like this clip? 

DAULAT is about a frustrated family and their dismay with their father’s income. and the sacrifices they have to make due to their financial conditions. To tackle this issue, the father decides to take the matter in his own hands. The parents cast look young and are unable to justify their dire situation, the performance however is good.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

‘सनकी’ अर्बपतिहरू ।

पुस १६, २०७३- विश्वका धनाढ्यहरूको सूची जारी गर्ने अमेरिकी अखबार ‘फोब्र्स’ को ३० वर्ष इतिहासमा २ हजारभन्दा बढी अर्बपति सूचीकृत भइसकेका छन् । तिनीहरू सम्पत्तिका लागि धनी त छँदै छन्, केही भने आफ्नो पोजिसनलाई लामो समयसम्म कायमै राखेका छन् । तीमध्ये केही सहयोगी र मानव परोपकारमा खर्च गर्ने स्वभावका छन् भने केही त्यसको साटो आफ्नो धनलाई प्रदर्शनको सामग्रीसमेत बनाएका छन् । त्यस्तै केहीले आफ्नो ‘सनकी’ स्वभाव पनि देखाएका छन् । तीमध्ये धेरै त खर्च गर्ने मामिलामा निकै अगाडि पनि भेटिएका छन् । अजरबैजानमा जन्मेका अर्बपति गड (जसको कुल सम्पत्ति ३ अर्ब अमेरिकी डलर छ) ले आफ्नो विवाहमा १० लाख डलर खर्चे ।

Source: kantipur

Monday, December 5, 2016

10 Steps to Becoming a Stock Market Millionaire !

Investing in the stock market is a way to make more than just a little extra cash. In fact, with the right approach and the right skills, investing even a little in the stock market can put you on the road to earning millions. Becoming a stock market millionaire isn’t an easy task and it isn’t a feat that will happen overnight, but it is possible as proven by several of my students like Tim G. and Michael G. If you want to become a stock market millionaire then here are 10 of the most proven tips to reaching your goals, and the earnings you have always wanted.

Video source: Timothy Sykes

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Four Surprising Ways to Build Wealth

Insider tips on living within your means -- and planning for the future.

You likely already know the standard advice about building wealth: Live below your means. Max out your retirement accounts. Pay off your debt. But in addition to those tried-and-true methods, there are other, less well-known ways that can help you grow your net worth faster. Here are four:

1. Use a Health Savings Account. These accounts, which are paired with high-deductible health insurance plans, offer a rare triple tax break — your contributions are deductible, your money grows tax-deferred and withdrawals for medical expenses are tax free. HSAs typically allow contributions to be invested in stocks and other investments for long-term growth, and any unused money can be rolled over year after year.

Source: Money

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

These 3 Tips from the Rich Can Help You Build Wealth

A back-to-basics strategy is your best shot at retirement security.
For its recent Insights on Wealth and Worth report, U.S. Trust asked 684 high-net-worth individuals with at least $3 million in investable assets how they built their wealth and what behaviors they attribute most to their financial success. I’ve boiled down their responses to three practical tips that even regular Joes can use to enhance their financial security:

1. Focus on building wealth slowly, not getting rich quick. Although many people think of the wealthy as trust-fund babies raised in privileged backgrounds, 58% of the wealthy individuals surveyed said they came from a middle-class background, and 19% grew up poor.

Source: Money
